Diabetes, affecting millions globally, leads to elevated blood sugar levels and is classified into types I and II. The search for effective treatments continues, ranging from lifestyle changes to innovative medical interventions.

A notable advancement is Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems, offering real-time updates on blood glucose levels for a comprehensive view of daily fluctuations. These devices are crucial in proactive diabetes management, enabling timely adjustments in medication, diet, and physical activity to reduce the risk of hypo- and hyperglycemia.

Recent years have seen a significant shift in diabetes treatment, thanks to progress in medical science and technology. These innovative approaches, referred to as Novel Therapies, offer new avenues for more effective diabetes management.

Traditional methods focused on controlling blood sugar through medication, diet, and exercise, often including specific herbs for potential benefits.

Bariatric surgery, initially for obesity management, is now recognized as effective for type 2 diabetes in some cases. Procedures like gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy can induce diabetes remission by modifying gut hormone signaling and improving insulin sensitivity.

Precision Medicine involves creating personalized treatment plans based on genetic composition, metabolic profile, and lifestyle. This approach assists healthcare providers in identifying factors predisposing individuals to diabetes and tailoring treatments for better outcomes.

Advancements in Insulin Pump Therapy have revolutionized insulin delivery, offering more precise and user-friendly administration compared to traditional injection methods.